Euroadvocaten has a new name and website
Go to: Globaladvocaten at
In 2016 Euroadvocaten changed its name to Globaladvocaten. For a number of years, starting in the early 2000's, this was the official website for THE EUROPEAN LAW GROUP also known as Euroadvocaten.
The new owners of the domain have chosen to use the site's 2003 & 2016 archived content to recreate a brief glimpse of the original website.
NOTE: The head office's address and telephone number remain the same., but the email address has changed to reflect the new name.
If you have inadvertently ended up here while searching for the Globaladvocaten network, their current website is found at:
Head Office Euroadvocaten
Theaterarkaden - Oper
Kapuzinerstraße 11
D-53111 Bonn +49 (0) 228 908 728-0 +49 (0) 228 908 728-11
Euroadvocaten is delighted to announce that it has changed its name to Globaladvocaten.
The group has changed its name due to the globalisation of its client’s across the network and has adapted accordingly.
All of the member firms are mid-sized independent firms who know their own legal market inside out. These firms belong to a network that prides itself on understanding their clients’ needs and can offer expert legal advice in other countries as and when needed.
The group recently welcomed two new member firms from the USA. Bartko, Zankel, Bunzel & Miller, located in San Francisco, California and Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP, located in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Founded in 1990, the network has grown year and year and now includes over 370 partners, over 800 lawyers and covers 27 countries. This enables clients to tap into expert lawyers providing worldwide solutions.
Globaladvocaten is ranked within the top banding for “Leading Regional Law Firm Networks” by Chambers and Partners
Globaladvocaten Chairman Christopher Roos commented: “I am extremely pleased that the network is continuing to expand and the firms we are taking on are of a very high calibre. This is a very exciting time for Globaladvocaten and am certain that more and more firms will join given the benefits the network provides.”
For further information please contact:
Gareth Baker
BD & Marketing Manager
Comment By Rob: I worked membership outreach for the organization and was very aware of the stature - the respect afforded this group. Every firm wanted in. But then our US operations head told us that a search for Euro Avocaten in Google yielded some very inappropriate results. Instead of being associated with our prestigious legal association, we were linked with an anti-abortion political group and, bizarrely, a company selling janitorial supplies. Both of these sites were ranked above us. This is page one of Google's search results, where we're below these other sites, making it appear that we're either a political action group with an agenda or a random supplier of cleaning products - both scenarios being the opposite of what we represent. Some of our members were outraged and as a result we contracted with a reputation management service for an evaluation. These companies and specialists like them can remove the bad results on Google's page one by pushing them down in the search. But these removal actions are expensive and don't happen quickly. Just when some firms with offices in the US started to get very loud (angry) the results changed and more accurately reflected reality. But this was a wake up call for the inadvertent power of Google and the harm it can cause when its software screws up.
Welcome to Euroadvocaten Content from 2016
An integrated network of leading firms, providing high quality legal advice across Europe.
Euroadvocaten is a collaboration between 23 independent law firms across Europe. The network includes over 800 lawyers working out of 27 cities in 25 European countries.
Established in 1990, the objective of Euroadvocaten is to help clients find the best & most cost-effective lawyers in Europe.
Wherever clients are based, Euroadvocaten is able to provide a seamless service across many jurisdictions, and to offer expertise in a wide range of commercial legal services and industry sectors. Member firms are based in major European cities including London, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Paris, Warsaw and Zürich.
Our Members
We are proud to offer an integrated network of leading firms who provide high quality legal services across Europe.
Established for over 20 years, the networks member firms meet regularly which enables us to offer a seamless service to our clients. For further information on our members please use the link bel
Area of Practice
The Euroadvocaten network covers over 25 areas of practice as well as over 20 industry sectors.
For further information please follow the link below or alternatively you can search for a legal specialist by using the map on the right or by using the “find a lawyer” search function.
Area of Practice
Committees & Honorary Members
Euroadvocaten has three different committees:
The Marketing Committee
Responsible for marketing activities, sales and price setting, etc.
- Contact persons: Michiel Vergouwen, Youri Steverlynck and Gareth Baker
The New Members Committee
Responsible for the new members who want to join Euroadvocaten.
- Contact persons: Russel Shear, Niels Schindler and Alexander Poels
The Meetings Content Committee
Responsible for the organisation of meetings, topics, invitation of (guest) speakers.
- Contact persons: Markus Bosiger and Pascal Sassel
Honorary members
There are five honorary members of Euroadvocaten. These are the people who founded Euroadvocaten in 1990.
William Jurgens – The Netherlands
Dr. Armando Felix Pereira – Portugal
Peter Säuberlich – Germany
Paky Houriet – Switzerland
Axel Friedberg – Austria
Our Members as of 2016
Listed below are details of all the member firms within Euroadvocaten. Please click on the firm name for further information or use the website hyperlink to visit the individual firm’s website.

WMWP Rechtsanwälte GmbH
WMWP Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Neutorgasse 12
1010 Wien
Tel: +43-1-512 5955

Peterka & Partners
Pobeditely Avenue 103, 13th floor, n° 1303
220020 Minsk
Tel: +359 2 984 1170

Lexeco Lawyers
WAW Building
Mechelsesteenweg 64 B101
2018 Antwerpen
Tel: + 32 3 233 76 55

Peterka & Partners
96 Georgi S. Rakovski Str. , 1000 Sofia
Tel: +359 2 984 1170

Patrikios Pavlou & Associates LLC
Patrician Chambers
332 Agiou Andreou Street
3035 Limassol
Tel: + 357 25 871599
6, Vassilis Vryonides Str.
Gala Court Chambers, 1st floor, Offices 103-104
P.O. Box 57041
3311 Limassol
Tel: + 357 25346800
Czech Republic

Peterka & Partners
Karlovo namesti 671/24
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Tel: +359 2 984 1170

Vestervold Advokater
Vester Voldgade 90 , 2
Postboks 389
1552 København V
Tel: + 45 33 15 80 00

Cornet Vincent Segurel
251, Bd Pereire
75852 Paris cedex 17
Tel: +33 (0)1 40 73 73 40

Benius Group
Roos Nelskamp Schumacher & Partner
Kapuzinerstraße 11
D - 53111 Bonn
Tel: 0049 (0) 228 908 728 - 0

AC Tischendorf Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB
Zeppelinallee 77
60487 Frankfurt a.M.
Tel: +49 69 24 70 97 - 35

Triay Stagnetto Neish
Burns House
19 Town Range
Tel: +350 200 79423
42 Patriarchou Ioakeim str.
10675 Athens
Tel: +30 210 7298901

Apáczai Csere János utca 11.
1051 Budapest
Tel: +359 2 984 1170

O’Mara Geaghty McCourt
51 Northumberland Road
Dublin 4
Tel: +353 1 6606543

Via Monte Napoleone, 18
20121 Milan
Tel: +39 02 7645771

Avocats à la Cour
31-33, rue Ste Zithe
B.P. 559 L-2015 Luxembourg
Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Tel: +352.227.330.716

Advokatfirmaet Harris
Dreggsallmenningen 10/12
Box 4115 Sandviken
5835 Bergen
Tel: (+47) 55 30 27 00

Siemiatkowski & Davies
Aleja Róż 10/9
00-556 Warsaw
Tel: (+48 22) 529 3780

BCS Advogados
Av. Cinco de Outubro, 17 - 9.º
1050-047 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 319 06 40

Peterka & Partners
33 Aviatorilor Boulevard, 2nd floor
1st District, 011853 - Bucharest
Tel: +359 2 984 1170

Peterka & Partners
Armyansky pereulok 1/8 - 3
101000 Moscow
Tel: +359 2 984 1170

Peterka & Partners
v.o.s. advokatska kancelaria organizacna zlozka
Kapitulská 18/A,
811 01 Bratislava
Tel: +359 2 984 1170

Area Legal
Avda. Diagonal, 407, 4t, 2a
08008 Barcelona
Tel: (+34) 932 386 850

BEELEGAL Bösiger. Engel. Egloff
Gerechtigkeitsgasse 23
CH-8001 Zurich
Tel: +41 58 206 10 00

DGE Avocats
Rue Bartholoni 6
PO Box 5210
CH-1211 Geneva 11
Tel: +41 (0)22 761 66 66
The Netherlands

De Koning Vergouwen Advocaten
Sophialaan 33
1075 bl
Tel: +31 (0)20 676 25 00

Cerrahoğlu Law Firm
Barbaros Bulvarı, Mustafa İzzet Efendi Sokak
No:11 Cerrahoğlu Binası Balmumcu - Beşiktaş
34349 - Istanbul - Turkey
Tel: +90 212 355 30 00

Peterka & Partners
40/85 Saksahanskoho St.
01033 Kyiv
Tel: +359 2 984 1170
Latest News 2016 -2015
- Euroadvocaten ranked as a leading law firm network again! 18th April 2016
Euroadvocaten is delighted to announce that it has once again been ranked within the Chambers Global Guide for 2016.
Euroadvocaten is ranked within the top banding for “Leading Regional Law Firm Networks – Europe-wide.”
Chambers and Partners commented:
“The network offers comprehensive legal coverage of the continent and has recently added new members in Turkey and Germany. The network cultivates specialist practice area groups in such areas as employment and labour to allow the specialists from each member firm to share practices. The network holds meetings twice a year for members to discuss ongoing developments and marketing initiatives. Christopher Roos is chairman of the network and a key contact.”
Euroadvocaten Chairman Christopher Roos commented:
“We are delighted that once again Euroadvocaten has been recognised by Chambers and Partners. The network goes from strength-to-strength all with aim of improving efficiency for our global clients.”
Chambers and Partners have been ranking the best lawyers since 1990, and now cover 185 jurisdictions. They rank both lawyers and law firms based on the research of 150 full-time editors and researchers employed at their head office in London. Chambers and Partners also talk to lawyers and clients all the year round, conducting in-depth telephone interviews.
- More awards and recognitions for Patrikios Pavlou & Associates LLC 1st March 2016
We are pleased and proud to announce additional awards and recognitions which our Cypriot member Firm Patrikios Pavlou & Associates LLC received during the last quarter, which reflect the quality of legal services provided to clients:
- Patrikios Pavlou & Associates LLC has been recognised as the “International Business Law Firm of the Year in Cyprus” by European Corporate Excellence Awards, 2015.
- Patrikios Pavlou & Associates LLC is a Top tier firm in Cyprus in Dispute Resolution and is also highly recommended in Tax and Corporate/Commercial by Chambers & Partners, a distinguished guide to the leading lawyers all over the world.
- Patrikios Pavlou & Associates LLC is a recommended Firm for the Financial and Corporate areas in the 2016 edition of IFLR1000, a respected guide to the world’s leading financial law firms.
- Patrikios Pavlou & Associates LLC is included in the 2015/2016 edition of The Best Law Firms in Cyprus, part of Best Lawyers, a renowned peer-review guide to the legal profession worldwide.
In addition, Senior & Managing Partner, Stavros Pavlou, has been selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in Cyprus in the Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation and Intellectual Property Law practice areas and Partner – Head of Litigation, Chrysostomos Nicolaou has been selected for Arbitration and Mediation and Litigation.
- Patrikios Pavlou & Associates promotes Stella Strati to Limited Partner 1st February 2016
Patrikios Pavlou & Associates LLC, proudly announces the promotion of Stella Strati to Limited Partner as from 1st January 2016.
Stella obtained a Law Degree from Athens University, Greece and an LLM in European Commercial Law from Leicester University, UK. She has been practising law since 2005 and has joined the Firm in February 2012. Her areas of practice include Banking & Finance, Corporate & Commercial Law, Trusts and Tax Planning.
Stella is a member of the Cyprus Bar Association and the International Bar Association – a member of the Corporate and M&A Law Committee and National Reporter of the Taxes Committee. She has authored several publications and also has gained experience in teaching A-Level Law to students.
Senior & Managing Partner of the Firm, Stavros Pavlou, commented that Stella is a diligent professional, a charismatic team-player and an enthusiastic individual dedicated to her duties, colleagues and clients and her appointment justifies the Firm’s policy in investing in young associat
- Cyprus member authors chapter of Restructuring & Insolvency report 19th January 2016
Lawyers of the firm authored the exclusive Cyprus chapter ‘Restructuring & Insolvency’ in the Getting the Deal Through 2016 series published by Law Business Research Ltd.
- Peterka & Partners December newsletter 16th December 2015
- Collapse of crowdfunder Torquing Group draws "backers" to Edwin Coe 8th December 2015
- French member firm, Cornet Vincent Ségurel promotes 4 new partners 8th December 2015
- Cornet Vincent Ségurel advises on Sodifrance acquisition of Netapsys 3rd November 2015
- Patrikios Pavlou & Associates participates in International Bar Conference 21st October 2015
- Euroadvocaten newsletter 20th October 2015
2001 - 2005
A Group of senior partners of select, medium sized law firms based in major European cities have come together to enhance, improve and Europeanize their resources and client services.
Euroadvocaten is an EEIG :
European Economic Interest Grouping.
It is registered in Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Quality control is achieved primarily by means of good personal relations.
All firms arrange and provide assistance among member offices and ancillary.
Austria Belgium Cyprus Denmark France Germany Gibraltar Great Britain Greece
Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Switzerland Turkey